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For previous issue(s) of this Event, see: Track Day: Ferrari F8 Tributo released in September 2019, and Track Day: F8 Tributo (v10.6) released in August 2022.
Track Day F8 Tributo (v13.0) flag
Unleash the Ferrari F8 Tributo!
— In-game description.

If the car is not owned:

Quote Natalia
Complete the Track Day special event for your chance to earn the Ferrari F8 Tributo!
— Natalia, Agent

If the car is owned:

Quote Natalia
Complete the Track Day special event for your chance to earn a heap of Gold and other rewards!
— Natalia, Agent

The Track Day: F8 Tributo is a Flashback Event in Real Racing 3. It gives players the chance to win the Ferrari F8 Tributo.
The Track Day: F8 Tributo is part of Round 3, Season 4 of Ferrari SF90 XX Stradale Update (v13.0), and can be accessed through the Round Hub button on the Home tab.

This Event is available to start from Friday, December 13th, 2024, until the Round ends on Monday, January 13th, 2025 at 20:00 UTC. When the Round ends, the Event will be locked, unless the Event has been started before the end of the Round and the 6-day term is not over. Acquiring the car unlocks the Event, and completion rewards are obtainable still.
Since the player has owned the car, the Flashback is available for completion, until the Round is expired[2] on (provisional) Tuesday, July 29th, 2025.

This is a required PR event, completing it requires a PR of 68.1.

The six Stages of this Flashback are a track day with a competition for the player to go through, driving Ferrari F8 Tributo on Red Bull Ring. The next Stage unlocks immediately after the previous stage is completed.

The player is granted with free and instant car service and instant upgrades R&D, which are available within 3 hours of entering the Event, before the end of the Round[3].


If the car is not owned:

Quote Natalia
You have been lent a Ferrari F8 Tributo.

All upgrades, customizations and VIP will remain on the car permanently, whether you acquire it from this event or buy it later
— Natalia, Agent
Brand Name PR Top Speed Acc. Braking Grip Cost
Manufacturer FERRARI F8 TRIBUTO 55.6 211 mph
340 kph
2.80 s 94.0 ft
24.7 m
1.27 g GCurr.Gold.New.80x80.Shifted750

The car is available in 5 series:

Completion Rewards[]

To win the car, the player must complete the Flashback within 6 days (24 x 6 = 144 hours) from the moment of entry. During this period, the countdown is displayed on the event schedule card (bottom scrolling ribbon) in the Round Hub. If time runs out, the player will not earn a car, although the event will remain open for completion, and other rewards (see below) are obtainable still.

If original Special Event was (partially) completed:

Quote Natalia
You have previous progress saved for this Quest. Stages that you have previously completed[4] will only earn VP rewards.
— Natalia, Agent

For successful completion of certain Stages and/or Goals the players are rewarded with Bonus VP, Gold and R$ as follows:

Stage Curr.VP.80x90 Curr.Gold.New.80x80.Shifted Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted Other rewards
01 Showing Off 250 3 10,000
02 Lunchtime Detention 250 5 20,000
03 Back on the Track 500 7 35,000
04 Let the Games Begin 500 8 40,000
05 The Comeback 750 12 45,000
06 Duel of the F8s 1,000 15 50,000 Ferrari F8 Tributo
Total 3,250 50 200,000

FAQ and Tips[]

Before starting the Track Day: Ferrari F8 Tributo Flashback, please view:

Please refer to generic Real Racing 3 Tips and FAQ as well.

Stage 01
Showing Off

Quote Eric
Hey, good to see you. Ferrari has been kind enough to lend you a beautiful F8 Tributo for today's track day at the Red Bull Ring.

I flew all the way from England this morning to see this thing in action, so don't disappoint me out there.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
1.1 CupCup Red Bull Ring Morning – Südschleife National Circuit
Rolling Start
1,300[5] 5
Complete this event
Quote Eric
Now, I didn't mention this before, but if you drive well today you may be able to take that car home with you.

There's a competition being held later today, and I've been told that if you win it with the F8 Tributo, Ferrari will let you keep it.

I think it's a marketing thing—they want you to show off how good the car is.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
1.2 CupCup Red Bull Ring Morning – Südschleife National Circuit
Rolling Start
1,300[5] 5
Set the fastest lap
1.3 CupCup Red Bull Ring Morning – Südschleife National Circuit
Rolling Start
1,700 5
Win with a lead of 328 yd (300 m)
1.4 CupCup Red Bull Ring Morning – Südschleife National Circuit
Rolling Start
1,300[6] 5
Place at least 2nd
Quote Zoé
Hey hotshot! I heard you were here today. Good to see there's going to be a tight competition this afternoon.

Anyway, I'm going to get back out there. I'll talk to you later.
— Zoé
Quote Eric
I guess Zoé got the same offer from Ferrari then... I don't know why we can't just have a nice track day free of drama for once. I swear you're cursed...
— Eric, Auto Engineer

Stage 02
Lunchtime Detention

Quote Eric
Sorry to keep you back through lunch, but we need to get some practice in if we're going to beat Zoé in the competition this afternoon.

I'm hungry. You're hungry. Let's go out there and learn what this thing can really do. Then we can eat.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
2.1 CupCup Red Bull Ring – Südschleife National Circuit
Rolling Start
900 5
Overtake Broadman's YELLOW S2000 GT
Quote Eric
Nice work! Alright, now that the track is mostly deserted, I think this is the perfect chance for us to really see what this car is capable of.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
2.2 CupCup Red Bull Ring – Südschleife National Circuit
Rolling Start
1,400 5
Finish within 3:00 and reach a top speed of at least 160 mph (257.5 kph) 5 times
Quote Eric
Alright, that's what I flew here to see! Now our friend Zoé was kind enough to lend me her F8 Tributo for this next test.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
2.3 CupCup Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit 2
1,700 5
Draft for at least 2187 yd (2000 m) and win
2.4 CupCup Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit 1
900 10
Complete this event within 1:35 without going off-track for more than 3 seconds
Quote Eric
Alright, you've earned yourself a break. They're officially opening the GP Circuit for everyone soon so let's grab some quick lunch and get back out here with the others
— Eric, Auto Engineer

Stage 03
Back on the Track

Quote Eric
Well it looks like we're a bit late. Everyone's already out on the GP Circuit.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
3.1 CupCup Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit
Rolling Start
2,600 10
Overtake Zoé within 2:30[7]
Quote Zoé
Hey, I'm not your mother, but you might want to be a bit more careful with that F8 Tributo or you won't have much of a car left to bring home even if you do win this afternoon.
— Zoé
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
3.2 CupCup Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit
Rolling Start
900[8] 10
Place at least 4th without damaging your car
Quote Eric
Hey, now that you've passed Zoé's driving test, let's get back to practicing for this afternoon.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
3.3 CupCup Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit
Rolling Start
2,600[9] 10
Set the fastest lap
3.4 CupCup Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit
Rolling Start
1,800[10] 15
Finish without running out of fuel
[with manual controls]
Quote Eric
Alright, let's refuel the F8 Tributo, then we'll start preparing for the first round of the competition: the Speed Snap.
— Eric, Auto Engineer

Stage 04
Let the Games Begin

Quote Eric
Like I mentioned before, the first round of the competition is a Speed Snap event. So let's get out there and start preparing for it.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
4.1 Speed SnapSpeed Snap Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit
1,800 400 15
Win this event
4.2 CupCup Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit
Rolling Start
-[11][12] -[11][12] 15
Finish with an average speed of at least 105.6 mph (170 kph)
Quote Eric
Now, you won't be allowed to go off-track during the Speed Snap event, so now let's practice keeping your speed up, while not going off-track.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
4.3 CupCup Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit
Rolling Start
-[11][13] -[11][13] 15
Finish with an average speed of at least 105.6 mph (170 kph) without going off-track for more than 3 seconds
Quote Eric
Oh man, you're going to laugh at this. Laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.

I forgot to change my watch when I flew in from England this morning. The Speed Snap event is on right now and you're up.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
4.4 Speed SnapSpeed Snap Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit
1,800[14] 400[14] 25
Place at least 4th without going off-track
[with longer braking distance and less grip]
Quote Eric
Look, that was a pretty respectable effort, given the circumstances. Zoé just went out there after you and soundly won, but this one is—possibly—partially my fault.

Let's not focus on who is to blame though. We've got an Autocross to prepare for. Go take a quick break and I'll get the F8 Tributo ready.
— Eric, Auto Engineer

Stage 05
The Comeback

Quote Eric
Alright, the F8 Tributo has some fresh tires and your good friend Eric has a watch that's set to Austrian time. Let's start getting ready for the next round of the competition.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
5.1 CupCup Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit
Rolling Start
2,800[15] 25
Reach an average speed of at least 108.7 mph (175 kph) while warming up your new tires, without damaging your car
5.2 AutocrossAutocross Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit
2,900 600 25
Finish the Autocross in the 1st place.
Quote Eric
Nice work! Just do that in the actual event and we should be fine.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
5.3 CupCup Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit
Rolling Start
2,800[16] 25
Tailgate Zoé within 16.7 yd (15.2 m) for 30 seconds and place at least 2nd
5.4 AutocrossAutocross Red Bull Ring – Grand Prix Circuit
2,900 600 40
Win without going off-track
Quote Zoé
Nice work out there! I wasn't sure if you'd be able to come back after the Speed Snap, but looks like it's all going to come down to the final event.
— Zoé
Quote Eric
Zoé's right. The third round of the competition—the Elimination event—is going to be the decider.
— Eric, Auto Engineer

Stage 06
Duel of the F8s

The players are not allowed to get damage during this stage.
Quote Eric
Alright, the Elimination event is coming up pretty soon, so it's time for us to start preparing.

If you want to win this one you'll need to be able to overtake quickly. And if you want to have a car to drive home in you'll need to be able to do it safely too.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
6.1 CupCup Red Bull Ring Afternoon – Grand Prix Circuit
Rolling Start
2,900[17] 40
Overtake at least 8 times without damaging your car
6.2 CupCup Red Bull Ring Afternoon – Grand Prix Circuit
Rolling Start
2,000 40
Don't get overtaken or damage your car
6.3 EliminationElimination Red Bull Ring Afternoon – Grand Prix Circuit Differs
1,400 50
Win without damaging your car
[with 30 sec elimination rounds]
Quote Zoé
Well, you did it. I can't say I'm not a little disappointed, but that was some good driving out there. You really earned th-
— Zoé
Quote Eric
Sorry to interrupt, but I don't think we're done here yet. Everyone wants a final faceoff between the two of you.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Quote Zoé
Well, for the record you still won this fair and square, regardless of what happens. But let's get out there and give the people what they want.
— Zoé
Goal Description Laps
Fame Skip
6.4 Head To HeadHead To Head Red Bull Ring Afternoon – Grand Prix Circuit 2
2,000 50
Win without going off-track for more than 5 seconds or damaging your car
Quote Zoé
Ok, I don't think anyone can deny you're the champion now. Congratulations hotshot—you've more than earned that F8 Tributo. I'm going to get a few more laps in before I have to give this beautiful car back.
— Zoé
Quote Eric
Zoé's right, that was some good driving out there. I look forward to having a look under the hood of your new car, but for now why don't you get out there and enjoy your prize.
— Eric, Auto Engineer
Track Day F8 Tributo (v13.0) Event Completed


  1. Unofficial date, based on round expiration pattern of round expiring every six weeks/third week of an update.
  2. If the player (who must own the car) started the Event or the Limited Series shortly before the Round was due to end, Round expiration will be delayed until the end of the Event. Please see this comment thread for details.
  3. Instant car service and R&D of the upgrades are not available on the first and the last Monday (UTC time zone) of the update (the Round).
  4. ...with the exception of the last stage. All the players are rewarded at the last stage as mentioned in the table.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Rewards for 11th place are: Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted4,250 (+Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted1,050 CRB) and 780 Fame.
  6. Rewards for 2nd place are: Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted6,450 (+Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted1,600 CRB) and 1,170 Fame.
  7. Fulfillment of the Goal is always rewarded as for the 1st place.
  8. Rewards for 4th place are: Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted3,700 (+Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted910 CRB) and 700 Fame.
  9. Rewards for 12th place are: Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted8,200 (+Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted2,035 CRB) and 1,500 Fame.
  10. Rewards for 12th place are: Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted5,550 (+Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted1,375 CRB) and 1,040 Fame.
  11. 11.0 11.1 The first place is out of reach.
  12. Rewards for 6th place are: Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted3,600 (+Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted885 CRB) and 650 Fame.
  13. Rewards for 4th place are: Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted3,950 (+Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted975 CRB) and 700 Fame.
  14. Rewards for 4th place are: Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted850 and 180 Fame.
  15. Rewards for 11th place are: Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted9,100 (+Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted2,260 CRB) and 1,680 Fame.
  16. Rewards for 2nd place are: Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted13,900 (+Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted3,460 CRB) and 2,520 Fame.
  17. Rewards for 10th place are: Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted9,850 (+Curr.R.Dollars.New.80x80.Shifted2,450 CRB) and 1,810 Fame.