As Albert Einstein once said in 1899: "There is nothing Templates cannot solve". Now whether or not he actually said it remains unknown but what is known is that this statement is true if you have good knowledge about how they work and how they can be put into action. So here's a new template for you guys to use, name: Template:Report/comment.
There are two ways of showing this comment. By replying to a comment and typing {{Report/comment}} when you've spotted something that shouldn't be featured on the site, the template will send me a little notification through Special:WhatLinksHere and will give me a list of comments to review just to make it easier to spot bad content.
If you would like to hide your message that's fine, typing {{Report/comment|s}} will display your comment as a complete empty box. If you want to remain more subtle about reporting a comment, you could eventually add something to your reply and then include {{Report/comment|s}}. Ask if you got any questions.